Minggu, 30 Maret 2014


The first thing that is done to promote yourself to join a company that is by interview.

     I think how to promote yourself to join keperusahaan that is by doing the interview, because the interview is a way of gathering data by asking questions directly to an informant or an expert or authority in charge of a problem and we can determine the capacity of a person to answer that question.

One of the companies that I want to go namely PT Bank Mandiri,  First I will explain the background of the company:

     Bank Mandiri is one of the largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets , loans , and deposit.Bank Mandiri was established in 1998 its right on October 2 in Jakarta, where at the time the bank as part of the bank restructuring program implemented by the Government of Indonesia . awa Starting in July 1999 , four state-owned banks , Bank Bumi Daya , Bank Dagang Negara , Bank Indonesia Import Export and development Bank of Indonesia, Bank Mandiri.Keempat merged into the Bank has assisted in the development history of banks in Indonesia less over 140 years lalu.Akhirnya Bank can continue to grow until now and can compete dikanca International banking .
   In the era of modernization today many banks that offer advantages and benefits to customers in the Branch Office so many competing banks and make development more baik.Bank Mandiri Indonesia perekonomiandi did not want to lose competitiveness in the banking development in Indonesia.Ini are some of the advantages offered by the bank to the people of Indonesia :

    Mandiri Internet
    Independent kta
    Independent kpr
    Savings Plan
    Mandiri Credit Card

     After that I will give the reasons why I chose PT. Bank Mandiri: because I have a relationship to work in the bank, According to him, a bank employee that always provide the best service in any condition that is experienced by employees of the bank, both personally and directly related to employment issues faced to each client or person and I have the ability to solve problems that may be faced by PT Bank Mandiri.

     Target will I accomplish is to bring foreign and domestic investors who want to invest in the company, bringing a lot of customers to invest and save money at the forefront Mandiri.Selalu PT Bank, the largest and trusted and continue to grow with the customers in Indonesia is objectives to be achieved by the bank as a financial institution.

     Purpose I want adalahbekerja hard to create a strong management team and professionals who work based on the principles of good corporate governance has been recognized internationally and to benefit from investors who have invested their funds and provide benefits to customers of PT.Bank Mandiri.

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